Thursday 5 January 2012

Fiction; Her Love ..

"When We said love will break you, love will give pain, pain and nothing but pain. -She contradicted. Because she didn't know. She was willingly dragging herself .. In fire. A Ceaseless Fire."~
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You know now you're eighteen, miles away in a hostel; You feel like a grown up. You know, now is the time to live life, to experience it. Now is the perfect age to fall in love ..
You fall in love with everything associated to love. They say red is the color of love; You start to love red. They say Roses symbolize love; You start to buy roses. They say you don't have to speak out your feelings when you're in love; You start to read eyes. Everything about love starts looking soo .. Lovable. All your life, you probably never really believed in Happily Ever Afters, but now you do. Yes you do.
And I knew I was in love.
Ohh Bliss ..♥
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"Though She didn't know... It does come with bliss, but ends with misery .."